Before July 2021, workers were not entitled to funding for medical and like treatment until their WorkCover claim was accepted or they received a settlement.
What are provisional payments?
Under new legislation, psychiatrically injured workers are entitled to reasonable medical and like treatment for their claimed injuries for 13 weeks from the date of their injury. This entitlement is not an acceptance of liability by the WorkCover insurer.
If you have sustained a primary psychiatric or consequential psychiatric injury as a result of a physical injury, it is important that the ‘mental injury’ box is ticked in your Worker’s Injury Claim Form.
What is funded?
It is still a requirement that the medical and like treatment is reasonable, necessary and referable to your work-related psychiatric injury. The claimed treatment can include consultations with your General Practitioner, psychologist or psychiatrist and the provision of anti-depressants.
How will it help?
At Maxiom Injury Lawyers, we often find that there is a high propensity for one’s psychiatric condition to deteriorate in the absence of treatment. Therefore, this entitlement is a welcome and much needed addition for those who have been impacted psychologically and mentally by reason of their employment. It means that the Victorian WorkCover scheme now provides early access to treatment and intervention so that you are not left to suffer without support.
The rationale behind the Victorian Government’s inclusion of this entitlement into the law is to improve recovery and return to work prospects. This legislative change was made with the consideration that the WorkCover scheme continues to be financially viable.
If you have sustained a psychiatric injury as a result of your employment, please contact us on 1800 853 085. We will advise you as to where you stand.